Our Fly Exterminators can handle:
Bottle / Blow / Flesh Flies
Blow and bottle flies have a very fast life cycle. Their eggs hatch rapidly, often in as little as 8 hours. They lay their eggs in decaying matter, including dead animals. If they are present then most likely there is a dead animal around.
Cluster Flies
Cluster flies do not breed indoors, rather they move into structures in the fall and hibernate inside attics and wall voids during the winter months. Cluster flies may become active in early spring, or on a warm winter day, and they will fly to windows and “cluster” there.
Drain / Moth Flies
Drain/Moth fly bodies and wings are covered with scales, which gives them a fuzzy appearance. They have tear-drop shaped wings, which they hold roof-like over their backs when at rest. Adult drain flies usually stay close to the area where they are developing as larvae, but can be attracted to lights. Drain flies breed in material that has built up in drains and their presence usually indicates a clog or poor drainage. They have also been found in structures when there is a moisture problem.
Fruit / Vinegar Flies
Fruit, or vinegar, flies often have distinct red or brown eyes in some species. Fruit flies lay their eggs into rotting, fermenting organic matter and are most often associated with spillage or liquids, decaying or rotting fruits and vegetables. They also are attracted to sweet deposits from spilled drinks. Recycling soda cans can attract fruit flies.
House Flies
House flies get their name from being the most common fly found around homes. Adult house flies can grow to one-quarter of an inch long and usually live between 15 and 25 days. House flies are attracted to garbage and trash areas.
Phorid / Sewer Flies
Phorid flies are yellow-brown with a darker brown abdomen. They have a ”humpbacked” appearance. Often called sewer flies, phorid flies are attracted to decaying organic material, buried dead animals, corpses in mausoleums, accumulations of dead insects in water-logged situations, or in the semi-liquid organic materials found in drains.
Eco-Wise™ has the knowledge, equipment, and skills to take care of all your fly problems and will show you how to get rid of flies for good! Call today: 1-877-ECO-WISE